ESSEC signs a new partnership with University of Luxembourg


The Faculty of Law, Economics and Finance (FDEF) has signed new partnerships with the ESSEC Business School offering new opportunities for students...

The Faculty of Law, Economics and Finance (FDEF) has signed new partnerships with the ESSEC Business School offering new opportunities for students in four of its Master of Laws (LL.M.) programmes.

Under a new cooperation with prestigious International business school ESSEC, students from three LL.M. programmes (Droit Bancaire et Financier Européen, Droit et Contentieux de l’UE and European and International Tax Law) will be able to apply for fast-track admission into two of the school’s Master programmes.

Up to four graduating students from the University of Luxembourg are guaranteed to be invited for admission interviews to ESSEC’s MSc in Management – Grande École and the Mastère Spécialisé Droit des Affaires Internationales et Management (Advanced master), provided they meet the programme entry requirements. In return, ESSEC graduates from these Masters will equally benefit from admission into the three designated LL.M. programmes.

The double degree option gives the best of our students the chance to gain an additional qualification from one of the finest business schools not just in France but worldwide,” explained Prof. Pierre-Henri Contact and Prof. Isabelle Riassetto, who initiated the agreement at “Graduates will benefit from the knowledge, strength and experience of two universities, giving them a competitive edge in the job market.”

“The University of Luxembourg is emerging as a top destination for highly-specialised LL.M. programmes. The exchange of Master-level students will enrich the learning experience on both sides. We look forward to welcoming the first group of graduates for the 2019-2020 academic year,” added Prof. Viviane de Beaufort, Director of the ESSEC law track and the school’s European Center for Law and Economics.
